Submitted by KamiSue
Take off the mirrors
Take off the clutche lever
take off the toolbag
Take all the little brackets that hold cables to the handlebars
Remove the master cylinder
Keep the master cylinder upright so we can stop later
More cable thingies
Screws out of housing by throttle
Take the throttle off
Bare nekkid handlebars
Already took one of these - bare nekkid handlebars
Cut off the welded part of the risers with a swift chopping motion and a BIG axe.
(just kidding :-) )
New risers sorta sitting in place
Start cutting off the welded part with a hacksaw. No work bench, so I just sat on the floor.
One riser gone
Both risers gone
Grind a little with a dremel
See the sparks?
More grinding - this was time consuming
Get a bigger grinder
Much more sparks - all is good!
Everything grinded off - some buggaring, but hey, I did it sitting on the floor and it doesn't show once they are installed.
Everything back together - front view
Sitting view
Side view
Rear view
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