Mods and How-to's
Turn Signal Install Mod
Submitted by Will
The turn signal assembly is from a Honda Ace. You could probably use a Sabre or one of the
other bikes assemblies as long as it is similar. It did require a small amount of modification, but
not real hard.
- Remove fender, and license plate bracket.
- There are 3 mounting holes on the aero, only 2 are needed for the ace assembly, these 2
holes are not far enough apart, drill these out with a ½ inch drill bit. You will only be
drilling through the metal plate inside the fender.
- You will need to use a dremel / rotozip, whatever you have that will work to remove the
small tab on the Ace assembly. While your at it cut a small indent into the assembly to
provide for the tab on our bike. (do this in small steps as to prevent from making it too large.
(Honestly this is the hardest part of the whole thing)
- Lengthen and run the wires however, you feel necessary, I used zip ties in multiple
places to ensure the wires would not move.
- The third hole in the fender is a perfect place to run the extra wires, use connectors if you
wish for easy removal of the assembly later on if needed.
- Mount the assembly on the fender, reinstall the fender and you are done (it is a tight fit
but does work, I had mine installed for over a year with no problems before I removed it
by way of a driver behind me that didn’t see me stopped at an intersection).
Try finding a Ace assembly on Ebay or the All Ace forum on Delphi forums..
Hope this helps, and good luck.