Honda Shadow Aero 750

Mods and How-to's

Punching your Stock Muffler

Submitted by Mr. Courtney

The purpose of this is to add a bit more sound (about 25%) and give a deeper rumble to your bike. It does not increase performance or power. It’s not necessary to rejet your carb after this mod unless you’ve added really big holes at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions.

Get yourself a 3' length of 3/4" all-thread or rebar at Home Depot or Lowes. It'll cost you about $8 or so.

Take a bench grinder or file and grind one end to a sharp point.

Stick it each of the two pipes sticking out of the back of your exhaust (12 o'clock and 6 o'clock) and bang the heck out of it with a big hammer or mallet. You eventually feel it pop off the cap at the end of the pipe.

Start her up and take a listen.

Like it? You're done.

Want more?

Take a drill with a 1/2" bit and drill two holes in the back plate of the exhaust at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions

Start her up and take another listen.

Like it? You're done.

Want more?

Get a 3/4" drill bit and make those holes a little bigger.

Start her up and take a listen.

Like it? you're done.

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