Honda Shadow Aero 750


Parts And Accessories

A great location for bike parts. Don't forget your forum discount! Search the forums if you don't remember the code.

Another great location for bike parts.

Find and salvage parts from bikes that are being parted out.

General Reference

The "Strictly ACE" site has a wealth of mods and tech info, much of which is applicable to the Aero 750.

A great reference.

Calculate the size of the main and slow jets you need.

Service and Maintenance

Know when you need to perform sheduled maintenance.

An excellent spark plug reference.

A listing of various bikes and the coinciding part numbers for oil filters.

Here's a step by step tutorial to help walk you through the task of setting valve clearance ala WBoyter.

Riding Safety

A great forum to discuss safe riding technique.

Rides And Destinations

One of the nation's top motorcycling destinations.

An alternative choice to services provided by the Honda Riders Club Association.

An association of those dedicated to long rides.


An excellent source for bike related books. Topics range from how-to manuals to motorcycle adventure books. Some titles are only available through Whitehorse.

Butt sweat causing discomfort? Your solution is here.

This website and it's contents are not affiliated with with Honda Motor Company, or any other group or organization. Performing the modifications listed within the website is done at your own risk. Developed and hosted by McLauthlin Technologies, LLC. Send questions, comments, or additions to